Funny Ways to Say Old People
How does one actually define an "older" person these days? Is it when he or she reaches 50? Or is it 60? Or maybe it's measured by something else entirely… After all, these days "old" is definitely more of a state of mind—or perhaps a feeling—than it is purely a number.
Whatever the case, we'd strongly posit that the truest definition of "old" is anyone who regularly uses these words and phrases we've compiled here. Trust us: you'll never find a more wonderfully old-fashioned and lovably outdated collection of sayings, statements, and questions that will practically scream: "I'm an older person!"
So read on (and please know that all of the silly punchlines here come from a very good, warmhearted place). And if you'd like to learn how to speak millennial, we've got your back! Just check out the 40 Things Only Millennials Say.
Incoming: A long story of hardship and perseverance that we'd all be so lucky to hear. Oh, and while we're looking backward, here are the 23 Old-Fashioned Etiquette Rules That Still Apply.
Sure, it may be "voicemail" today, but you've got to give credit where credit is due: answering machines made for way better plot devices in horror films. And speaking of answering machines: they're definitely one of 50 Things You No Longer See in Offices.
Today, we DVR things. Yesterday we Tivo'd. A long, long, long time ago we taped.
It's been a long time since that Rush album came out, I'm afraid.
I know what you're going to say next: "They're useless until you absolutely need one." Which is definitely true! But it doesn't make you any younger, friend.
Unfortunately, these printed directions cannot "recalculate your route."
There's nothing wrong with an occasional nap, but calling your couch a "davenport?" Sorry, but a total #oldpersonmove.
We hate to say it, but when the bench looks more enticing than the walk, it could be a sign of advanced age. And for some great health advice, here are 40 Ways to Stay Sharp After 40.
But kudos to those friendly few who prefer to chat with a teller over using an ATM and direct deposit.
Rare exception: if you're a high-schooler taking calculus.
If you follow this phrase with something derogatory, you'll be a walking stereotype! Oh, and speaking of those crazy kids: Here are 25 Things That Were Considered Scandalous 100 Years Ago But Are Totally Normal Now.
Throwback Thursdays began with widespread appeal. But more recently the average age of the people still using this hashtag with enthusiasm is increasingly getting up there.
Sorry, it's been almost two decades.
It's an Uber or Lyft world, my friend.
Also: If you're having trouble with sleeping, here are 11 Doctor-Approved Secrets for Falling Asleep Faster—Tonight.
Yes, 60 Minutes is the new Matlock.
It's a good bet even little Steve owns a tablet.
There's just something about this phrase that strikes us as lovably old-fashioned. Perhaps it was Bob Dole's use of it after losing the 1996 presidential race. (Either way, we just dated ourselves considerably with that reference.)
We dare you to find us a Millennial who carries pennies.
When referring to a computer.
A classic baby boomer move.
Otherwise known as the analog Siri.
It's time for an upgrade, friend.
For the record: we think this is a way better and more personal gesture than simply sending a Spotify playlist over email. That said, it still screams "older person."
"Ah, theBrady Bunch.Now that was good TV!"
If only corner offices were still in abundance.
We hear you. But perhaps the "pasta selfie" will change your mind.
Of course, "iceboxes" started to fall out of fashion in the 1930s. But it's a delightful, throw-back affectation.
Said no young person ever.
If you have to ask…
Thanks to phones, even debit cards are becoming dated. So checks are officially two generations ago.
Specifically when a bartender, waitress, or liquor store employee requests your ID before selling you alcohol. Gratefulness for being carded is not an emotion experienced by young people.
When referring to, say, Daft Punk.
Unless, of course, you're playing baseball.
You've officially become the cranky neighbor in the Dennis the Menace.
Another thing made obsolete thanks to the smartphone.
But honestly, no one would blame you for this. Chalk one up to the older folks!
It's a sign you're aging, for sure.
It's not so much the whole buffet thing. It's the fact that you're probably eating dinner while so many people are at work.
If you've grown to enjoy the taste of caramel candies combined with pocket lint, I'm afraid it's official: You are no longer young.
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